Have your say

Submissions have now closed. Thank you for having your say on the proposed changes to Waipā District Council's Representation Review. Your feedback will help inform council decisions.

Hearings will take place on Tuesday, September 24. If you choose to present your submission verbally, we will be in touch with a time to present.

What is the representation review?

Representation review may result in changes to the way Council is elected and structured in the future.

Local elections are usually held every three years so you can decide who will represent you at the Council table and on the community boards. To make sure that residents have fair and effective representation, all councils must review their representation arrangements at least every six years.

Waipā District Council last undertook a representation review in 2021 in preparation for the 2022 elections.

The focus of this review is to better understand how people want to be represented around the Council table, and if there is an opportunity to make changes to the ward structure, community boards, or the number of councillors or community board members.

Council will adopt its final proposal later this year, so that the structure is in place in time for the 2025 local authority elections.

What is the current situation?

At present, the Council is made up of the mayor, who is elected at large (by all voters in the district) and 11 councillors, who are elected by voters within each of the five existing wards: Cambridge (4), Maungatautari (1), Pirongia-Kakepuku (2), Te Awamutu-Kihikihi (3); and the Waipā Māori Ward (1)

There are two community boards, one representing Cambridge and one representing Te Awamutu-Kihikihi. Each community board has five elected members and two appointed councillors.

We are not proposing change or asking for feedback on the Māori Ward at this time, as this is subject to a different process.

What did we propose?

We are proposing the Council be made up of the mayor, who is elected by all voters in the district, and 8 councillors, who are elected from three proposed General wards: Cambridge (3), Te Awamutu and Kihikihi (2), and Waipā Rural (2); plus the Waipā Māori Ward (1).

This will include minor boundary changes to the Cambridge Ward, extending the boundary to include an additional area at Karāpiro. The Waipā Rural Ward is a combination of the two current rural wards; Pirongia and Kakepuku Ward and the Maungatautari Ward.

There will be two community boards, one representing Cambridge and one representing Te Awamutu and Kihikihi. There will be a minor boundary adjustment to the Cambridge Community Board to align with the proposed ward boundary changes.

Councillor and ward representation