Playground construction updates

Our team has been busy with the construction of the new playground at Leamington Domain! Check out the latest updates.

Destination playground

Last year through the Leamington Domain Masterplan we sought your views on a new destination playground at the domain. This feedback has been used to design a new playground that features water, sand, and nature themed play areas.

Council has collaborated with mana whenua to incorporate cultural values and stories into the design, focusing on the area’s long horticultural history and connections to the river.

It has been designed to be a family-friendly space that adds value to the park, with equipment to suit all ages and abilities, allowing tamariki to explore and learn.

The steam roller will stay in the park but be relocated to a more interactive position allowing it to better connect with the other play features.

Funding for the $1.5 million project was confirmed earlier this year in the Enhanced Annual Plan.

Construction is set to start in early February and be completed in June. During this time the existing playground and toilet will be closed, and the Cambridge Model Engineering Society will temporarily suspend operations due to health and safety risks.

The closest public toilets are located at:

  •  Leamington Cemetery, off Wordsworth Street
  •  Shakespeare Street, next to the Cambridge Community House


In April 2023, we engaged with the community on what you wanted the future at Leamington Domain to look like. We received 140 submissions and had a great turn out to our family day out at the domain.

Your feedback has helped us shape draft Leamington Domain Masterplan, now we need your help to ensure we got it right.

This plan will help guide the future planning, funding and development of the domain. We are working closely with the lessees to ensure we cater to their needs and all lessees will remain at the domain.

Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback, consultation is now closed.

Family Fun Day event photos